fastfive with John

ri icon By Raw Ideas

8 August 2017 // FastFive

What was your first ever job?

As a graphic designer putting together print layouts for an industry magazine.


What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

Get involved with coding communities early and get to know people. A large social circle helps you achieve big things.

Who is your favourite person/brand to follow on social media and why?

Rami Ismail is one of the smartest and kindest guys in the games industry, and has more insight into the world than I've ever had.

What’s your favourite app or game and why?

Hahaha I couldn't ever have a favourite game, but my favourite app is probably Asana? It's helped me keep things organised for years now.

What do you love most about your job?

Trying out new technologies and ideas.

ri icon By Raw Ideas

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